Curtains Revisited

Here I am! Wow. Between cleaning up the apartment after a bunch of boys visited, soaking up the sunshine, and catching up on sleep whenever possible, I haven’t had much time for anything else. Now I’m getting ready for my sister’s visit in a few weeks. At the top of my to-do list is replacing the shower curtain in the guest bathroom. Again. I’m embarrassed to admit it. I stupidly thought I could trust the cats to leave the shower curtain alone while our last round of guests were in town, and this is what happened:

The whole shower curtain looks like that. I think they hoisted each other up to thoroughly puncture every inch. Perhaps they took turns dangling from the towel rack. I know, I’m single-handedly ruining the environment with my shower curtain purchases. Let this be a lesson to those of you with kitties – buy cotton curtains!

So I found a few new curtains and thought I’d take this opportunity to style the room a bit more. I like this curtain from Echo:

And this Chloe Floral Organic Shower Curtain from PB Teen is pretty in pink or blue:

And of course, my favorite, the Stripe Shower Curtain from West Elm:

Dave says the stripe curtain is “too Parisian.” I reminded him that our current curtain is a photograph of Paris. Regardless of which one we decide on, I will keep the rest of the bathroom clean and simple with white linens and accessories. With all the money I’m spending on shower curtains, I should have just bought that great Thomas Paul curtain.

Scouring for Shower Curtains

Have you noticed that an affordable, nice looking shower curtain is sort of hard to find? I’ve been on the hunt for the past couple of weeks. Lily was quarantined in our guest bathroom for about a month and used her pent-up energy to destroy the shower curtain. It’s full of tiny teeth holes and claw marks.

I thought I found the perfect curtain at West Elm, but after purchasing it I realized (by calling customer service and asking about the status of my order) that it was on big time back order and wouldn’t be shipped to me until mid-April. Thanks for letting me know, West Elm. I canceled that order, since we have a friend in town all next week and I’m guessing he’ll want to take a shower at some point.

After scouring the internet for a good replacement for my first choice, we decided to go with the Paris France Shower Curtain by Izola:

Runners up included the Arbor Shower Curtain by CB2:

The Tree Shower Curtain by Urban Outfitters:

And the Apothecary Shower Curtain by Izola:

I was smitten for the Octopus Shower Curtain by Thomas Paul, but who has $120 to spend on such a thing?

Now, I wonder if I can get this striped hand towel by next week…